BY: Sunny Jaspal
Acupuncture / Blog / Conditions
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Five Ways to Mind Your Mental Health
1 in four of us will experience a mental health issue each year. There are many ways to improve our mental health, including getting professional help, talking about it, and taking time for self-care. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Talk About It – It could be to your friend, a family member, your GP or a professional counsellor. Talking is the first step, helping you to acknowledge what’s going on.
- Eat Well – Eating good food gives us the brain power we need to deal with whatever is going on. Eat too little and you’ll be physical and mentally exhausted. Eat the wrong foods (too much sugar, caffeine, alcohol) and you’ll have even more ups and downs.
- Sleep – Lack of sleep makes us irritable, emotional and can lead to depression. Of course, sleep issues often accompany mental health issues. But if you’re able to, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. If not, try meditation such as yoga nidra (You Tube has videos).
- Exercise – Regular exercise improves mood, helps us to sleep and wards off chronic illness. A brilliant tool for stress management, just choose activities which you enjoy and aim for at least 3 sessions a week. Yoga, walking and biking are good options.
- Acupuncture – Regular treatments can be a great way to address mental health and the other symptoms that arise, such as sleep problems and tension headaches. A course of treatment is recommended initially, moving to regular maintenance treatments to keep on top of life’s stresses and strains. Concessions available – please enquire.
Need advice? Want to book a treatment?
Contact Sunny on 07582 684 756 or

BY: Sunny Jaspal
Acupuncture / Blog / Conditions
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Acupuncture and Anxiety
Anxiety is a common condition that acupuncturists see in their clinics. It may be situational, related to health issues, but sometimes there may be no obvious reason.
It is thought that acupuncture stimulates the nervous system and causes the release of neurochemicals. This causes biochemical changes which influence the
Both men and women will benefit from acupuncture treatment. For those who find it difficult to talk about their emotions, acupuncture offers an alternative way to tackle the problem. Children, teens, adults and parents can all seek treatment. Acupuncture will aim to treat the symptom as well as the root problem.
For women, anxiety may be experienced at particular times within the menstrual cycle, during menopause, when trying to conceive, throughout pregnancy and motherhood too.
For more information on this topic please visit
Book online or contact Sunny to find out more – 07582 684 756.
BY: Sunny Jaspal
Acupuncture / Blog / Conditions
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Improve Your Wellbeing with Acupuncture
Wednesday is for Wellbeing
Acupuncture Awareness Week 2017
As an acupuncturist the condition I treat the most is mental wellbeing. Often people will visit me due to anxiety, stress or depression. Just as frequently people visit for other conditions which often have their roots in mental wellbeing. The great thing about acupuncture is that I can treat wellbeing and other conditions at the same time. Feedback I often hear from patients is “I feel less anxious”, “I feel like I have more clarity” and “I feel like I am coping better”.
Of course if there is a particular issue causing such feelings then acupuncture can be complemented by counselling. In a study by MacPherson et al (2013) both acupuncture and counselling produced significantly better results than usual care.
Are you feeling stressed, anxious, depressed or feeling overwhelmed with life’s demands? Acupuncture is a great way to take some time out for yourself to relax. Try acupuncture with 50% off for Acupuncture Awareness Week!*
Appointments available in St Neots, Cabridgeshire and Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire.
*Treatments must be booked by 13/03/2017
BY: Sunny Jaspal
Aromatherapy / Blog / Conditions
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Boost your Immune System with Natural Therapy
Fed up of feeling unwell?
Do you keep getting colds, bugs and flus? Aromatherapy massage and reflexology can help!
If you think your immune system may need a helping hand there are a number of things you can try. It is a well-known that stress inhibits the immune system, so your first step should be to reduce stress levels.
By bringing the body into a deep state of relaxation, both reflexology and aromatherapy massage can be beneficial. Aromatherapy massage has the added benefit of essential oils, which are excellent immune system boosters. My favourites for treating coughs, colds, catarrh, sinus and flu are basil, ginger and lavender.
In addition, supplements and changes to diet may help to support you through times of illness. Healthly living tips, such as diet, exercise and sleep are discussed during your treatment.
Regular treatments aid the healing process and allow the body and mind to regain a calmer and more balanced rhythm. Think these treatments may be of benefit to you?
Want to find out more? Contact Sunny. Clinics in St Neots and Letchworth.
BY: Sunny Jaspal
Aromatherapy / Massage
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Benefits of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy oils enhance massage treatment
The use of aromatherapy oils at a first glance is perceived as a luxury. However, many would agree that aromatherapy adds a beneficial layer to treatments.
The use of plants for medicine is an ancient tradition. Aromatherapy employs techniques such inhalation and massage. Both of these routes of administration are safe if used in the correct quantities.
Inhalation affects the limbic system, the part of central nervous system which deals with memory and emotion.
Massage treatment allows the oils to be absorbed into the blood stream, and the massage itself affects the nervous system. Relaxation or stimulation of the nervous system depends upon which aromatherapy oils and massage techniques are used.
The goal of the aromatherapist is to assess each client and create a bespoke blend. By looking at the properties of essential oils we can create blends for specific conditions for each individual.
Research into the field of aromatherapy is somewhat scarce, however studies do exist. For example, a systematic review of Lavender oil for poor sleep suggested lavender was of benefit[1]. A more recent study showed a positive link between Lavender and stress reduction[2]. With regards to massage and aromatherapy used together, a study found improvements in knee pain when a blend of orange and ginger were used[3].
For further reading try:
Encyclopedia of Essential Oils – Julia Lawless
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy – Salvatore Battaglia
[1] Fismer, K. L., & Pilkington, K. (2012). Lavender and sleep: A systematic review of the evidence. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 4(4), e436-e447.
[2] Kim, S., Kim, H. J., Yeo, J. S., Hong, S. J., Lee, J. M., & Jeon, Y. (2011). The effect of lavender oil on stress, bispectral index values, and needle insertion pain in volunteers. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,17(9), 823-826.
[3] Yip, Y. B., & Tam, A. C. Y. (2008). An experimental study on the effectiveness of massage with aromatic ginger and orange essential oil for moderate-to-severe knee pain among the elderly in Hong Kong. Complementary therapies in medicine, 16(3), 131-138.