BY: Sunny Jaspal

Acupuncture / Blog / Conditions

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Seated woman meditating as the sun sets.

1 in four of us will experience a mental health issue each year. There are many ways to improve our mental health, including getting professional help, talking about it, and taking time for self-care. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Talk About It – It could be to your friend, a family member, your GP or a professional counsellor. Talking is the first step, helping you to acknowledge what’s going on.
  • Eat Well – Eating good food gives us the brain power we need to deal with whatever is going on. Eat too little and you’ll be physical and mentally exhausted. Eat the wrong foods (too much sugar, caffeine, alcohol) and you’ll have even more ups and downs.
  • Sleep – Lack of sleep makes us irritable, emotional and can lead to depression. Of course, sleep issues often accompany mental health issues. But if you’re able to, try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. If not, try meditation such as yoga nidra (You Tube has videos).
  • Exercise – Regular exercise improves mood, helps us to sleep and wards off chronic illness. A brilliant tool for stress management, just choose activities which you enjoy and aim for at least 3 sessions a week. Yoga, walking and biking are good options.
  • Acupuncture – Regular treatments can be a great way to address mental health and the other symptoms that arise, such as sleep problems and tension headaches. A course of treatment is recommended initially, moving to regular maintenance treatments to keep on top of life’s stresses and strains. Concessions available – please enquire.

Need advice? Want to book a treatment?
Contact Sunny on 07582 684 756 or