BY: Sunny Jaspal
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Easing Tummy Pain with Acupuncture
Tuesday is for Teenagers with Tummy Pain
Acupuncture Awareness Week 2017

Billy, an 11 year old, came for acupuncture treatment suffering with tummy pain, nausea and headaches. He had been examined by his GP who had found nothing wrong. The first thing to improve was his headaches, which were often accompanied by a feeling of frustration. By his 4th treatment the tummy pain and nausea had also improved. Treatment duration was shorter than for an adult to accommodate a teenage boy who might find it hard to sit still, and while Billy was a little nervous during his first appointment, when he realised how gentle the treatments where he soon became an acupuncture pro.
Children and adolescents under 16 are always accompanied by parents or guardians for their treatments. Want to find out more?