BY: Sunny Jaspal
Acupuncture / Blog
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During these Corona times while we are unable to come together for treatment, I wanted to give you some ideas on how you can replicate the peacefulness that comes from an acupuncture session. And the health benefits of acupressure on acupuncture points, so that you continue to work on whatever issue you were having treatment for.
This week I wanted to share a Yoga Nidra recording with you. Many of you know that I am a fan of Yoga Nidra and often recommend doing this practice daily to help with maintenance of stress, anxiety and depression. In these strange times we are living through there has never been a greater need for this. Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep is a form of guided meditation that takes place lying down. I have been enjoying the free downloads from the Yoga Nidra Network and wanted to share one with you today titled Simply Calm – listen here.
Acupuncture Point: Yin Tang
In keeping with the yoga theme for this week, I have chosen a point that is referred to as the Third Eye, or Ajna Chakra in the yogic tradition.
Yin Tang is located midway between the medial ends of the eyebrows. This is a point I often use in treatments for its ability to calm the mind and treat insomnia. It can also be used for nasal congestion, headache and eye disorders.
Instructions for acupressure: Apply downward pressure to the point with thumb or finger for a few seconds. Release and then reapply as many times as you would like. Be sure not to hyperextend the thumb or finger joints. You should be apply to feel a pleasant sensation but no pain.