BY: Sunny Jaspal
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Improve Your Wellbeing with Acupuncture
Wednesday is for Wellbeing
Acupuncture Awareness Week 2017
As an acupuncturist the condition I treat the most is mental wellbeing. Often people will visit me due to anxiety, stress or depression. Just as frequently people visit for other conditions which often have their roots in mental wellbeing. The great thing about acupuncture is that I can treat wellbeing and other conditions at the same time. Feedback I often hear from patients is “I feel less anxious”, “I feel like I have more clarity” and “I feel like I am coping better”.
Of course if there is a particular issue causing such feelings then acupuncture can be complemented by counselling. In a study by MacPherson et al (2013) both acupuncture and counselling produced significantly better results than usual care.
Are you feeling stressed, anxious, depressed or feeling overwhelmed with life’s demands? Acupuncture is a great way to take some time out for yourself to relax. Try acupuncture with 50% off for Acupuncture Awareness Week!*
Appointments available in St Neots, Cabridgeshire and Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire.
*Treatments must be booked by 13/03/2017
BY: Sunny Jaspal
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Easing Tummy Pain with Acupuncture
Tuesday is for Teenagers with Tummy Pain
Acupuncture Awareness Week 2017

Billy, an 11 year old, came for acupuncture treatment suffering with tummy pain, nausea and headaches. He had been examined by his GP who had found nothing wrong. The first thing to improve was his headaches, which were often accompanied by a feeling of frustration. By his 4th treatment the tummy pain and nausea had also improved. Treatment duration was shorter than for an adult to accommodate a teenage boy who might find it hard to sit still, and while Billy was a little nervous during his first appointment, when he realised how gentle the treatments where he soon became an acupuncture pro.
Children and adolescents under 16 are always accompanied by parents or guardians for their treatments. Want to find out more?
Call Today to Arrange a Free Phone Consultation
BY: Sunny Jaspal
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Overcoming Migraines with Acupuncture
Monday is for Migraines
Acupuncture Awareness Week 2017
Lucy came to see me suffering from migraines, a condition which came on suddenly and left her with constant and severe dizziness, painful headaches and anxiety, meaning she was unable to work. She had a course of acupuncture treatment, and by the 6th treatment her condition had improved greatly. Lucy is back at work and only occasionally suffers with mild dizziness, while her migraines have gone completely.
Have you been affected by migraines? Acupuncture can help.
Appointments available in Letchworth, Hertfordshire and St Neots, Cambrideshire.
BY: Sunny Jaspal
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Tips for dealing with PMT

- Exercise: anything you enjoy – yoga, Pilates, qi gong, swimming, running – to move your Qi and clear stagnation.
- A balanced diet: avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary foods which may cause peaks and troughs, exacerbating mood swings and irritability. Limit salt intake to prevent bloating. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and ‘pungent’ foods such as basil, coriander and peppermint. Ensure portion sizes are not too big and chew your food thoroughly!
- Complementary therapies such as massage, reflexology or acupuncture: If you feel like the tips above are not working you may need a helping hand. Massage works in a similar way to exercise, moving Qi when it may be stuck. Tell your practitioner if you have any pain. Abdominal massage may be particularly beneficial at this time. Reflexology and acupuncture work on the meridians of the body to move Qi.
- Remember that PMT is not always caused by Qi stagnation. If you feel like the above tips are not helpful or make you feel worse, seek the advice of a TCM practitioner.
Want to find out more? Contact Sunny. Clinics in St Neots and Letchworth.
BY: Sunny Jaspal
Aromatherapy / Blog / Conditions
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Boost your Immune System with Natural Therapy
Fed up of feeling unwell?
Do you keep getting colds, bugs and flus? Aromatherapy massage and reflexology can help!
If you think your immune system may need a helping hand there are a number of things you can try. It is a well-known that stress inhibits the immune system, so your first step should be to reduce stress levels.
By bringing the body into a deep state of relaxation, both reflexology and aromatherapy massage can be beneficial. Aromatherapy massage has the added benefit of essential oils, which are excellent immune system boosters. My favourites for treating coughs, colds, catarrh, sinus and flu are basil, ginger and lavender.
In addition, supplements and changes to diet may help to support you through times of illness. Healthly living tips, such as diet, exercise and sleep are discussed during your treatment.
Regular treatments aid the healing process and allow the body and mind to regain a calmer and more balanced rhythm. Think these treatments may be of benefit to you?
Want to find out more? Contact Sunny. Clinics in St Neots and Letchworth.

BY: Sunny Jaspal
Acupuncture / Blog / Conditions / Massage
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Easing Pain Caused By Poor Desk Posture
One of the most common complaints people seek treatment for is back pain, shoulder pain and neck pain. In fact more sick days are taken due to pain than any other ailment. Why do so many of us suffer with these conditions and what can we do to manage and prevent them?
Many of the people I treat are office workers, often sitting for long hours and working at computers. Poor posture, poor office ergonomics and working without breaks is a recipe for pain. This type of injury is often classed as a repetitive strain injury (or RSI) and may also include the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow. These problems may arise in any situation (not just at a desk) where bad posture is sustained.
Back, shoulder or neck pain can also be caused by depression, anxiety and stress. Sometimes there is no clear cause of pain. However, it still remains a very real problem that needs treatment.
Tips for Easing Pain
- Maintain correct sitting posture when working at your computer.
- Ensure the top of your screen is at eye level so you head is in a neutral position. If you work at a laptop then consider using a laptop riser.
- Elbows should have a 90-degree bend so that the tops of your arms are relaxed by your side, with your keyboard and mouse within easy and comfortable reach. Laptop users consider using an external keyboard.
- Feet should be flat on the floor (use a footrest if they do not reach) and knees and hips should have a 90-degree bend.
- Sit upright in a relaxed posture, using cushions to support your lower back if needed.
- Take regular breaks – use this as an excuse to keep yourself hydrated.
- Manage stress, depression and anxiety with self-care. Talk to your GP if you need help and consider other treatment methods such as acupuncture and counselling.
How can acupuncture help?
Acupuncture is great for easing pain. It is recommended by NICE for chronic pain, one of only four treatments recommended! Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment, which uses slim, sterile and painless needles to gently encourage the body’s ability to heal itself. Acupuncture treatments include massage, cupping and heat therapy such as moxibustion or heat lamps if appropriate. Each treatment lasts an hour, and a course of 6 treatments is recommended.
Want to find out more?